a dashing young man enthusiastically counts a stack of dollar bills. The thrill of a life-changing stroke of luck on the simple black backdrop. The epitome of celebratory joy after hitting the jackpot

会员专享a dashing young man enthusiastically counts a stack of dollar bills. The thrill of a life-changing stroke of luck on the simple black backdrop. The epitome of celebratory joy after hitting the jackpot
  • 素材ID:812056711
  • 格式:MOV
  • 时长:00:15
  • 作者:AlDa.videophoto
  • 第三方权利说明:已取得肖像权或物权授权
  • 尺寸:
    WEBWEB - 700 x 393px
    HDHD - 1920 x 1080px